Ready to get your headshots retouched?

Step 1: Fill out the form to the right.

Step 2: Forward me the email that Paul sent you with the link to your gallery so that I can download the high res images.

*Step 3: Venmo me (@MarriSavinar) $70 per image

Step 4: Stay tuned for an email with proofs for you to look over and give a round of notes

Step 5: Once you approve the images, I will send you a link to a Dropbox folder with all of your images (high res, casting site size, and 8x10 w/ border + your name)

*Packages offered on orders of 10+ images

**For detailed info on what’s included in headshot retouching, click here.

Ready to get your product, lifestyle, or social media images retouched?

Get in touch with me here!

Headshot retouching form